This year is about making a difference in the travel world.

As a traveler, it is quite important to maintain a level of awareness and respect for the world around you. When you venture to a new place, you must enter as a guest. You are merely a visitor in this new environment, so you should carry yourself accordingly. Part of being a conscious traveler is seeking to leave your destination better than you found it. This is evident in nature, with the “leave no trace” policy. However, this principle extends far beyond a walk in the woods. Traveling is a privilege, not a right, and you should use it wisely. 2019 is shaping up to be a year of travel reform around the globe. Some of these new initiatives include trends such as eco-friendly and volunteer travel.

Take a volunteer travel trip in 2019.

volunteer travel

Volunteer travel is a relatively recent trend that is predicted to spike in 2019. This concept is simple, your role as the traveler is to improve the place you visit. There are many programs in place where people can partake in an adventurous trip while contributing to a community project. Some of these initiatives include construction, community outreach, and agricultural sustainability. Cynthia Dunbar, general manager of REI Adventures, notes, “Volunteer travel continues to resonate.” This type of travel could very well shift the travel industry on a global scale.

While traditional tourism plays a key role in many nations’ economies around the world, high visitor influx can do more harm than good. There is so much power in shifting this trend for the better. Check out a volunteer travel program for yourself in 2019.

Related Article: 8 Travel Trends Coming Up In 2019