2019 is going to be very earth conscious.

Travel trends are often neutral activities that numerous people partake in. With this, generally, no harm or good is done due to the trend. However, the tides are changing in 2019, with new awareness and focus happening in the travel world. This year is looking to be one of a particular emphasis on traveling in an eco-friendly manner. Having awareness for the environment as a traveler is certainly a positive trend these days. In recent times, the issue of plastic infiltrating the world's beaches and oceans have found themselves at the forefront of the news. It is quite impossible to maintain a lack of awareness towards these prevalent issues.

Here's how you can be an eco-friendly traveler.

eco-friendly, travel intel, travel trends, travel 2019, eco-friendly travel

The goal of environmental awareness is steadily rising in 2019 and it is best to get on board. As you begin your travels in the new year, you may notice more and more cruise companies, hotels, and resorts reducing their use of single-use plastics. This means that the individually wrapped utensils you often see everywhere are fading into the past. The recent plastic straw initiatives are also expected to continue in 2019.

How can you help these initiatives as an individual traveler? As someone seeking to be eco-friendly in 2019, you should make yourself aware of the resources available to you. The first thing you can do is look into “zero-waste” travel methods. These include taking refillable water bottles and reusable containers with you on your journies.

You can also explore the option of partaking in a beach clean-up activity. It is not difficult to find coastal ventures such as surfing or beachfront yoga classes that also incorporate shore clean-ups. Go ahead and start saving the environment this year, one trip at a time.

Related Article: 8 Travel Trends Coming Up In 2019