Do You Like Surprises? You Have To With This Travel Trend.

If having a set plan is boring to you and you prefer to live in a world of spontaneity, then this is the travel trend for you. Mystery trips just might be the newest travel trend among millennials. No longer do you have to spend copious amounts of time coordinating your itinerary for your trip. Now you can just go with the flow, if you dare.

Mystery Trips Keep You On Your Toes.

mystery trips Travel

It is true, mystery trips are an actual thing. There are numerous start-up companies created for this very purpose. Pack Up + Go is one of these “surprise travel agencies.” This company plans your three day weekend for you entirely. You can choose from a plane, train, or car travel, depending on your adventure preference. Choose also from solo travel to group trips.

Not convinced? Mystery travel is actually a simple process to work with. Pack Up + Go begins by asking travelers a few important questions. These include your travel dates, travel budget, and travel preferences. This ensures that your travel experience is custom and enjoyable for you. Once they have the information, Pack Up + Go books your trip, keeping it entirely top secret from you.

One week before your trip, travelers receive an e-mail containing details about their mystery destination. Just the necessities of course, such as temperature and potential luggage restrictions. Lastly, travelers get a letter in the mail to open at a particular time. This letter contains directions to your accommodation and activity recommendations for your destination.

Are you ready to embrace your spontaneous side and go on a mystery trip? Take a chance on the latest travel trend and embrace an unknown adventure. You might be surprised by how much you like travel surprises.

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