Where will you be in 2019?

Think about it for a second. Where is your absolute dream destination? If you could click your heels three times, Dorothy-style, and automatically live in a new place, where would it be. Perhaps you are already where you want to be. That is great. But for others, you might feel like there are so many places you have yet to explore. What better way to explore a place than to live there? If you are one of the people thinking about going somewhere new, consider living in London, England. It turns out, if you do, you will residing be in the best place in the world to live.

Live in London in 2019.

London, travel intel, travel tips, London, visit London, places to live, visit London, live in London, 2019, travel trends

It is true, London is reportedly the best place to live in 2019. According to a recent report conducted by a consultancy group called Resonance, London is the number one destination for next year. As this new year quickly approaches, perhaps now is the time to take advantage of that fresh start. The report analyzed important factors that comprise the quality of a place to live. London repeatedly scored favorably in terms of job opportunities, affordable housing, and an excellent quality of cuisine, culture, and entertainment.

This longtime center of the world carries a very rich history and an eclectic urban experience. Even when you live here, you will likely never experience the same London twice. This massive metropolis encompasses just about everything you could need or want in a place to live. The study's creators note, “London, right now, is a tight, highly curated Venn diagram of multi-ethnic revelry, enviable luxury retail, coveted universities and colleges.”

So what are you waiting for? Really, London is waiting for you. Pack your bags and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime when you move to London, England.

Related Article: 6 Fun Day Trips From London You Need To Take