Keep your eyes towards the sky tonight and tomorrow.

This year has been one for spectacular atmospheric events. The recent solar eclipse caught the attention of people around the world. Other notable displays include the autumn Super Aurora display that graced the Southern Hemisphere. Another seasonal favorite is stargazing. Check out this upcoming meteor shower that is gracing the skies near you.

Autumn is the best time to gather with friends and host bonfires and stargaze. Gazing up at the black canvas of the sky, as stars twinkle millions of miles away, is truly magical. Catching a glimpse of a shooting star brings a thrill of excitement for most people. Be sure to grab some friends this weekend to catch the annual winter meteor shower. The Leonid Meteor Shower occurs each year and is something you don't want to miss.

Leonid Meteor Shower

Here’s how to have the best viewing experience.

The Leonid Meteor Shower runs from November 6 through November 30. Its overall peak is from November 17 to 18, giving you ample opportunity to catch a glimpse this weekend. With the anticipated new moon occurring Saturday night, the sky is set up for optimal meteor spotting.

To ensure an even better view, head to an area with minimal light pollution and keep your electronic lights at a minimum. Trust us; you will want the darkest ambiance possible. The peak of the shower is during pre-dawn hours, so don’t head to bed too early. The forecast calls for roughly 10-15 shooting stars each hour. This is not an exceptionally high amount of stars, but the favorable viewing conditions offer excellent viewing of each one.

Don’t miss this once a year celestial display. Glance up at the sky tonight or tomorrow, and you just might spot a shooting star. Don’t forget to make a wish.

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