Discover your ideal route from Boston to New York.

Both Boston and New York remain some of the top places to visit in the northeastern U.S. Each city maintains its own unique culture and history and contains a variety of cool attractions. Almost every traveler can find something to love about Boston and New York. Since these locations remain relatively close to one another, why not head to both during one trip? Travelers can choose many different ways to go from Boston to New York, depending on their preferred mode of transportation. If you want to take a super easy trip from Boston to New York, check out our article below. We’ve created a list of all the exciting ways you can travel from Boston to New York.

Things to Consider Before Traveling

Before you decide on a mode of transportation, you might want to consider a few things.


If you’re trying to travel on a budget, picking the right mode of transportation can help you save funds. Going on countless flights from place to place can add up over time. Things like taxi rides and rental cars can add up quickly, forcing you to waste money. At the same time, you can save some money by driving your own car from Boston to New York. Yet, gas and stopping for supplies might add to your travel expenses. Travelers should consider whether they want to pay for a bus or train ticket or simply drive their own vehicle. While you may think driving will save you money, the ticket purchased might not be as costly as you’d expect.


When you’re traveling to exciting, new destinations, part of the fun can be seeing the journey along the way. If you’re in the passenger seat of a car, you can easily see the landscapes you pass during the trip. Yet, if you’re the one driving, you won’t be able to properly focus on the scenery around the vehicle. On the other hand, purchasing a bus or train ticket lets you travel without being in control. This means you’ll get to sit back and enjoy viewing the countryside and cities along the way. Travelers who prefer to unwind before they arrive at their destination may want to forgo driving themselves. Others might actually like to be in control of the route, making the travel process more exploratory and fun.


A huge part of knowing how to plan a road trip involves figuring out the time required to travel places. If you’re interested in traveling from Boston to New York, you’ll need to think about travel times. Different modes of transportation allow for faster arrival times than others. Those who will be journeying by car or bus may have to deal with rush hour traffic at certain points. This adds extra hours to the route that could have been avoided with other modes of travel. Planes and trains will offer the shortest trips, taking travelers quickly from Boston to New York. Yet, aspects of airline travel may add more waiting hours to your journey. You’ll have to deal with going through security, checking bags, and generally standing around in lines. Those who need to arrive at their destination in a cinch should definitely consider the faster modes of travel. Any who prefer to take their time while exploring the country should think about moving by car or bus.

The Top Ways to Travel From Boston to New York

1. Travel By Train

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Sometimes, driving yourself places can be a drag. You often have to deal with traffic, and you can’t really pay attention to the scenery. Travelers who don’t have cars ideal for road-tripping may not enjoy journeying by car either. Or, if you’re visiting the northeastern U.S. from a far away place, you probably won’t have a car to drive. Rental cars may also not be a possibility, depending on the traveler’s age and other factors, like costs.

If you don’t want to drive or can’t, consider traveling from Boston to New York by train. The train remains a great option for those you prefer to sit back and relax while traveling. You can take a train from South Station in Boston and head to Penn Station in Manhattan. Travelers who take the Amtrak will also have a quick travel time, as the ride takes around three hours. However, if you’re concerned about saving money, you might want to think about a different mode of transportation. Train tickets can cost a decent amount, making a dent in your travel budget.

2. Journey By Car

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Many travelers prefer to take control of their own journey when they travel to amazing places. When you take a train or other mode of transportation, you may not get to follow your own path. This means having to wake up and go when your tickets tell you to, not when you decide. Similarly, your path might not bring on a very scenic route. Some types of transportation bring you through towns and cities, though you might want to see country landscapes.

Think about traveling from Boston to New York by car if you’re interested in taking an alternate route. A direct route that goes through Connecticut on I-84 to I-90 will bring you where you need to go. You can discover your own route as well, and take as many diversions as you want along the way. Rather than following a set train schedule, travelers who journey by car will get to create their own rules. Some downsides to traveling by car include a long travel time of around five hours. Those without their own cars may find rental vehicles to be pricey, and traffic can be annoying as well.

3. Take The Bus

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Sometimes, taking a train may not be a traveler’s best option. The train can cost a fairly large amount of money, meaning you might have less funds leftover for other activities. You may also prefer to sit and enjoy the scenery while inside the safety of the train, instead of driving. While cars might allow for greater freedom of choice, they mean a greater travel time and more work. In this case, travelers might want to opt for taking the bus when they go from Boston to New York.

The bus remains ideal if you want to watch scenery and relax but don’t want to pay for train tickets. Paying for bus tickets won’t put as large of a dent in your travel budget as train tickets. The trip should take around four hours, depending on the traffic that day. Yet, sitting on a bus may not be as comfortable as riding on a train. You’ll also have to deal with multiple stops, leaving the bus journey to take much longer than the train. Travelers without much experience riding buses might also struggle to figure out when to get on and off stops. Instead of sitting on your seat the whole way through, you may have to get up and change buses.

4. Fly in an Airplane

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Journeying from Boston to New York by land can be a fun and easy option for travelers. Buses, cars, and trains all provide simple ways to get to where you need to go. For the most part, traveling over land tends to be cheaper and more accessible than other types of transportation. However, not all travelers will enjoy traveling on the ground. Cars and buses can add extensive travel time to your journey, and train tickets may not be affordable for some. This leaves air travel as the ideal option for those who want super speedy journeys from Boston to New York.

Travelers in a hurry to get from Boston to New York may want to book a flight. The plane represents the quickest way to travel out of Boston to New York. You’ll only have to sit on the plane for around an hour before arriving at your destination. Travel by plane can even be cheaper than traveling by train, though other factors may increase travel costs. You may have to pay for a taxi to get to the airport as well as any checked baggage. Things like shuttles to and from the airport, security lines, and checking bags might also add to travel time.

Head on an exciting trip from Boston to New York.

With rich histories and vibrant cultures, Boston and New York represent two must-visit cities for U.S. travelers. You can head to the best places to visit in Boston or New York while exploring the areas. Travelers who want to experience both places during one journey can easily take a trip from Boston to New York. A variety of modes of transportation remain available to those interested in embarking from Boston and heading to New York. Depending on your specific needs, you can find the perfect way of getting where you need to go. Whether you want to drive yourself or relax aboard a train, you’ll get to choose your favorite kind of travel. We hope our article has helped you decide on your best way of traveling from Boston to New York.

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