Good news for avocado fanatics out there: this restaurant caters to your every wish.

Do you like avocados so much that you have daydreamed about a place where every dish included them? Well your fantasies about not having to pay extra for avocado are a reality at Europe’s first all-avocado restaurant.

The Avocado Show is aptly named, as every single dish features it. This Amsterdam based superfruit central is dedicated to everything avocado. Ron and Julien, a duo who absolutely loves avocados, first opened it in 2017. Together with their noteworthy chef, Jaimie van Heije, Ron & Julien create delicious avocado based dishes. Amsterdam’s The Avocado Show restaurant is the first of likely many future locations. The aim is to launch a location in every major city around the globe.

The Avocado Show

Just about anyone will find something they like at The Avocado Show.

The Avocado Show caters to every dietary preference out there. Flexitarians, Vegetarians, and Vegans alike will all find something delicious on their menu. Enjoy authentically original dishes such as The Saint Stack: a stack of matcha vegan pancakes, avocado, blueberries and flowers, served with maple syrup and homemade avocado butter. Sounds like a delicious way to start the day. They even use avocados as buns for their burgers. Now that’s dedication.

The menu’s many mouthwatering delicacies of course leave plenty of room for indecisiveness. Are you looking for avocado stuffed with hummus, an avocado and salmon dish, or even avocado ice cream? No matter what suits your fancy, you are sure to find it here. Unless you don’t like avocados. In that case, this isn’t the place for you.

Next time you are in Amsterdam (which of course might be soon now, if you are an avocado fanatic) check out The Avocado Show and order off of their mouth-watering menu.

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