Have you ever considered traveling the world solo?

Travel trends fluctuate each year, as travelers’ adventure preferences change. This year some hot topics include Skip-Gen and Last Chance Travel. The popular social media network Pinterest just announced their 2018 travel trends this week. This year, stop just pinning your dream travel destinations, and take the leap to explore a place you have never been before. One particular Pinterest travel trend for 2018 is solo travel.

There are many benefits to taking a solo journey.

Seemingly, more and more people have taken up adventuring to their newest destination on their own. According to Pinterest’s latest data, over the past year, their solo adventure re-pins increased by over 593 percent. These statistics certainly validate solo travel as a rising travel trend for 2018.

Solo Travel

Adventuring by yourself has an array of benefits. Going solo allows travelers to fully engage with their new environment, as well as encourages you to connect with the locals. You might be surprised with what you learn as you go.

Of course, traveling solo does not have to be a lonely experience. If you prefer backpacking, rest assured that the backpacker community is thriving around the world. It is easy to make connections with like minded travelers in various hostels and hotels along the way.

Keep in mind that when traveling on your own, it is important to be especially aware of your surroundings. This is particularly imperative for female travelers. It’s also not a bad idea to research your country of choice to be fully informed on what to expect. These travel tips can help ensure your safety as you tackle the world by yourself.

Are you ready to take the leap and travel the world by yourself? This year, pick out your next destination and consider visiting on your own. You might be surprised by the rich adventure that awaits.

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