Air travel is not high on many people’s lists of favorite activities.

Dealing with suitcase weight, correct ticket bookings, and flight changes naturally constitute stress. Navigating through the hectic airport environments definitely has its challenges. Maybe you consider yourself a professional traveler. You are probably found gliding leisurely down to Gate A. With your neck pillow at your side and your preordered post TSA Starbucks in hand; you feel ready to conquer anything the airport throws at you. No matter how you feel about flying, you are going to love what Qatar Airways has in store for air travel.

Thanks to Qatar Airways, catching some shuteye just got a whole lot easier.

Most of us have had that experience of trying to sleep on a plane. Unless you have the gift of being able to snooze anywhere, this is not always the most comfortable. The dreaded economy class middle seat typically causes more of a nightmare than sweet dreams. There’s nothing quite like attempting to relax in only 18 inches of space. How about having a bed on a plane?

Qatar Airways has made headlines as they have just launched the first ever airline double bed. Located in business class, these ‘QSuites’ are the ultimate way to travel. Passengers can turn their seats into an actual bed with a few adjustments. There is even an option for partition panels for additional privacy. This sounds like a dream come true, and something long awaited for in the world of air travel.

Long flights will be a breeze with this added comfortability. Gone are the days of inflatable neck pillows and hoodies over your head in an attempt to catch some winks. Qatar Airway's hospitable environment and first class service are catching the eye of many travelers.

Book your trip today and sleep away your travel stress.

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