When Is the First Day of Fall and What Shall We Do?

You're asking. And we are answering. As the air begins to turn crisp and leaves begin to turn color, everyone is hanging on with anticipation for this upcoming season. First day of fall, we are ready for you.

Boots will soon come out of closets. Comfy sweaters will wrap around your body. Steam will roll off of coffee cups and tea mugs. Orange, yellow, and red leaves will dangle loosely from tree branches until they eventually float to the sidewalk in beautiful surrender. Evening bonfires will be had (with an abundance of s'mores, we hope). The kids in the neighborhood will jump onto a bed of leaves and squeal with delight as colors go flying. The kitchen will constantly smell scrumptious. Pumpkin-flavored everything will be for sale. And we are eager to enjoy every moment of this season before it slips through our fingers.

So, catch all of the leaves, bake all the loaves of pumpkin bread, and spend your evenings wrapped in blankets under the stars. The first day of autumn is quickly approaching. September 22, 2018 is the day. With the countdown on, we have compiled a list of all the reasons to love fall. It is bound to get you in the cozy spirit. This fall when you are racking – or raking? – your brain for fun things to do during the season, make this your go-to inspiration list.

All the Things to Love About Fall

1. Breathing in the Cool, Refreshing Air

first day of fall - Refreshing Air

On the first day of fall, step outdoors and breathe in that crisp air. As the season shifts from hot and humid and cozy and cool, there is nothing better than drawing in deep breaths of fall's crisp air. Your lungs will thank you.

2. Visiting Farmer's Markets

Farmer's markets are always a good idea, but in the fall, things are taken to a whole new level. Grab a mug of apple cider, coffee, tea, or hot cocoa and stroll through the market surveying all of the seasonal vegetables. Purchase a ridiculous amount of squash, make a seasonal dinner, and invite your neighbors over to share the meal!

3. Hiking

As the leaves turn, get up close to the beauty by hiking nearby trails. Whether you trek up a mountain or go for a light walk around a local pond, you are bound to enjoy all of the sights and smells of fall during your hike.

4. Sweaters, Sweaters, and More Sweaters

first day of fall - More Sweaters

Pull out your sweaters that are in storage because you will be needing those this fall. As the colder weather approaches, flannels and sweaters are faithful to keep you warm.

5. Wearing Scarves

While you are pulling your sweaters out of storage, you might as well pull out your scarves as well. Style them with any outfit to add a pop of something new and add warmth around your neck.

6. Making Scarves

Those who are into knitting and crocheting will love getting back into the rhythm of knitting and crocheting this fall. If you have never picked up needles and yarn, how about putting this activity at the top of your fall bucket list?

7. Pumpkin Spice Everything

Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin spice cookies, pumpkin spice muffins, pumpkin spice granola, pumpkin spice candles, pumpkin spice ice cream and more. Would it be the first day of fall without enjoying a pumpkin spice product?

8. Crunching Leaves Under Boots

first day of fall - Crunching Leaves

Need we say more? This is what fall is all about.

9. Apple Picking

Pick all the apples this fall. With friends or family, go to a local apple orchard and pile buckets full of apples to take home and eat. Not only will you collect fresh, delicious fruit to enjoy, but the scenery at apple orchards is stunning.

10. Picnicking

Fall is for picnics. Pack lunch or dinner, a blanket to sit on, and head towards a local park. Go with friends, go with family, or go with your significant other. As you enjoy your meal and the company of those around you, you will also enjoy the company of the colorful leaves beside you.

11. Eating Halloween Candy

Halloween falls in the middle of autumn and whether you go trick-or-treating or not, there will be plenty of candy around. On November 1, head to the grocery store and purchase all of your favorite sweet treats during the post-Halloween candy sale!

12. Sipping Apple Cider and Hot Cocoa

first day of fall - Hot Cocoa

Order apple cider at a café, or heat some up in the comfort of your own home. Order a cup of hot cocoa at a café, or heat some up in the comfort of your own home. Let steam rise from your mug as it carries yummy fall-like flavor with it.

13. Baking Homemade Pie

After you down a cup of apple cider or hot cocoa, journey into the kitchen, preheat the oven, and start gathering the ingredients needed for a homemade pie. Be it apple pie or pumpkin pie, both the process of baking these delights and the actual eating of the pie will be amazing.

14. Camping

This fall, journey to the mountains to camp for the weekend. If you don't live around any campsites, fear not. Have you ever tried backyard camping? Pitch a tent, unravel sleeping bags, build a fire, and take the entire camping experience to the convenience of your backyard.

15. Going on Hayrides and Getting Lost in a Corn Maze

Many local pumpkin patches near you will offer hayrides and corn mazes that you can meander through (ahem, get lost in). Nothing says fall quite like hopping on a hayride, running through corn mazes, and purchasing pumpkins at the pumpkin patch.

16. Raking Leaves into Piles (Then Jumping In)

first day of fall - Raking Leaves

Grab the rakes out of the shed and begin gathering all the fallen leaves together. We aren't suggesting you do this without a purpose. Once your pile is formed, get a running start, and hop into the bed of leaves!

17. Baking Pumpkin Bread

Since fall sends everyone on a pumpkin spice kick, spend your first day of fall baking a loaf of homemade pumpkin bread. Your home will smell wonderful and the scent will most likely waft outdoors, causing neighbors to perk up and run over to your house for a slice.

18. Smelling Cinnamon Around Every Corner

The smell of cinnamon is attached to the season. Bake cinnamon rolls from scratch this fall (or scratch the box open…). Light a cinnamon candle. Shake an extra dash of cinnamon into your oatmeal, your pancakes, and/or your coffee to get in the fall spirit.

19. Watching and Playing Football

Attend a local high school's Friday night football game. Attend a college or NFL game. Go to the tailgate beforehand. Watch football on television. Host a party when your favorite team is playing. Play flag football with friends or the kids in your neighborhood. Those who love football, we know you already love fall.

20. Building Bonfires

first day of fall - Bonfires

During autumn evenings, light a bonfire and invite friends, family, and neighbors to join the fun. Don't forget the #1 rule when having a bonfire: Come prepared with ingredients for s'mores. Roast marshmallows, munch on graham crackers, and break apart bars of chocolate. All the while, admiring the fire and the people around you.

21. Cooking Crockpot Recipes

As the temperature drops, heat up the crockpot. Experiment with new recipes this fall. To get the inspiration flowing, how about testing out a lentil soup, butternut squash soup, black bean soup, or chili recipe?

22. Wrapping up in Blankets

With fall coming, you will have to layer up. Sit on the couch with blankets galore wrapped around you, or sit outside and do the same.

23. Read a Book Cozied up on the Couch

Those books that you have been longing to read, but haven't had the time? Let the first day of fall be the day you dive headfirst into those books. Grab a blanket, grab a hot beverage, and flip open to the first page.

24. Driving Through the Country

Driving Through the Country

Because the landscape of autumn months is so marvelous, a drive through the country is necessary. Though it be chilly, crack the windows and allow for fresh air to enter. Create a fall driving playlist and listen to all of your favorite jams as you drive down the countryside with a canopy of colors surrounding you.

25. Remembering What You're Thankful For

Something happens during the fall months (specifically in the United States with Thanksgiving) that makes people more appreciative. And though thankfulness should not be restricted to this season alone and we should try our best to cultivate a lifestyle of gratitude, we want to encourage you this fall to tell those around you how much you appreciate them. And tell them often. Write handwritten notes to close friends. Compliment strangers. Call your mom and dad to tell them you love them. Think, ponder, reflect on the wonder that it is to be alive. And we hope as fall reminds us to be thankful, we would carry that gratitude into the coming seasons as well.

Dear Fall, We Welcome You

first day of fall - september

There are so many things to adore about autumn. With the first day of fall just around the corner, begin writing your fall bucket list now! Take advantage of the crisp weather, the pumpkin overload, and the colorful scenery before the snow of winter is ushered in.

How do you plan to spend your first day of fall? Grab a mug of apple cider or hot cocoa and share with us in the comments below!

Related Article: Where to Enjoy the Best Fall Colors in Northern Georgia