Traveling often offers a new perspective for people.

When traveling to different hotels, as typically people look at the room size or breakfast options. Usually, when you check into your accommodation, you don’t check out the carpet design. Hotel flooring is a faint afterthought for most if anything. But sometimes these quirks are where you can find the most variety. There is something to be said about finding amusement in the small details. One pilot gained publicity for doing just that. His quirky photographs recently caught the eye of thousands.

Will you add to MyHotelCarpet’s follower count?

Texas native Bill Young made news headlines thanks to his daughter. The commercial pilot travels frequently with his career. On his trips, Young began a tradition of photographing the carpet of each hotel. His Instagram account appears to be a fanciful color swatch. Some of his picture collection includes vibrant patterns and whimsical splashes of color. The greatness of hotel carpet variance is quite astounding.

All I Want For Christmas is for my Dad’s hotel carpet instagram to go viral, please help this happen

— Jill (@jillisyoung) November 25, 2018

Bill Young’s daughter Jill cheekily posted his account link on her Twitter this week. The caption read, “All I want for Christmas is for my Dad’s hotel carpet Instagram to go viral. Please help this happen.” Go viral it did. Within hours, then Jill’s post received thousands of comments and retweets. Viewers loved the “pureness” and lightheartedness behind the MyHotelCarpet account. Thanks to this newfound publicity, correspondingly Bill’s Instagram profile has reached over 500,000 followers. Jill has certainly gotten her one Christmas wish this year. It’s not every day your dad earns nationwide attention for his social media activities.

We can all learn from Bill to appreciate the smaller things of life. It seems that finding excitement in the ordinary brings joy, and sometimes, even 500,000 Instagram followers.

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