Tis the season for joy and cheer. Unless you are traveling, that is.

Social media is an outlet often used for positivity and relevant information sharing. In this digital age, it is easier than ever to stay connected and keep informed about the latest happenings around the world. But as you may know, with great power, comes an increased chance of misuse. In addition to this, people often use social media as an outlet to express frustrations with various aspects of life. This was certainly a reality this past week, as millions of people took to the skies to head home for the holidays. Nearly 100 million people traveled this Christmas overall, so naturally, some delays are bound to occur. Whether or not they were called for, many travelers took to social media this Christmas travel season to complain about their issues.

Travelers around the globe grip on social media about their holiday travel woes.

holiday travel, travel intel, travel news, Christmas travel

This Christmas travel season, some travelers encountered unappreciated delays to their airline itinerary. Some of these setbacks lasted a mere 20 minutes, while others ended up spending their Christmas Eve in an airport. Certain travelers did not appreciate these experiences and let the airlines know.

Twitter is full of tweets noting dissatisfied quips like, “@united 5+ hour mechanical delay at PVD today. This is not how I wanted to spend my Christmas Eve. Sadly, no other flights out today, so we sit and wait…and wait…and wait.” Others noted, “Now missed my connecting flight. Family in Denmark waiting for me with presents and food. Christmas Eve in an airport.”

Twitter, in particular, is a notorious platform used to share travel company ills. With the hectic nature of the Christmas season, it is no surprise that the influx of Twitter complaints increased this past week.

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