If You Already Eat Barbeque Like It’s Your Job, Now It Actually Can Be

If you are a regular barbeque fanatic, then this is your literal dream job. Imagine traveling around the country with the sole purpose of tracking down the best barbeque out there. As it turns out, you can do this, and even get paid for it. American food service company, Reynolds Wrap, is currently on the hunt for a Chief Grill Officer. The position is as official as it sounds. Essentially, you can earn money while traveling the United States and tracking down the most mouthwatering barbeque it has to offer (Hint, Texas).

Taste Test Barbeque For Reynolds Wrap And Enjoy The Benefits

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Reynolds Wrap is looking for this particular individual among “pit masters, grilling fanatics, and barbecue fans.” If hired for the job, you receive prepaid travel and lodging for yourself and a guest. You also get two weeks of work, and lastly, $10,000. Not a bad deal for simply spending two weeks sampling the best barbeque offerings in the nation.

You also will be able to assist other grill masters with cooking up some delicious barbeque meals and then sharing these tips and experiences of Reynolds Kitchen’s website and social media channels.

Reynolds Wrap states, “So, if you don’t mind being paid to taste test some of the most delicious grilled dishes from across the country, posting envy-inducing pictures of your finds and falling asleep every night dreaming about your next meal, then you could have what it takes to be Reynolds Wrap’s, Chief Grilling Officer.”

If this sounds like the job of your dreams, then apply today. Send an e-mail to [email protected] and write in 100 words why you would be an amazing Chief Grilling Officer. Of course, don’t forget to include a snapshot of yourself grilling up something delicious. Be sure to send in your applications by August 13 for consideration.

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