Raise your hand if you're looking to move? No, we don't mean looking to move to the neighborhood across the street, we are thinking more along the lines of another country? Based on the United Nations Development Programme's annual Human Development Index for 2016 we are revealing the top 10 best countries to live in. The UN took life expectancy, health, quality of education, gender equality, and economic factors all into consideration when drafting this report. So, if high rankings on those factors are of importance to you, then check out this list of the healthiest, wealthiest countries that have the highest quality of education and life expectancy. Without further ado, let the countdown begin…
10. Canada and the United States
That's right, we have a tie at number 10. These neighboring countries reach high numbers in several categories. The U.S. scores high when it comes to financial wealth and Canada scores high when it comes to education and access to health care. If you desire to move to either country, the great news is that you can easily travel to the other being that Canada and the United States sit right next to one another. And more great news, Niagara Falls straddles the border. Talk about pure beauty. Anyone interesting in exploring the neighborhood of North America? Check out Canada or the U.S.
9. Iceland
Iceland takes 9th place with its sustainable and environmentally conscious perspective on energy, as well as ranking high in terms of life expectancy. It also scores high in gender equality. This country has become a hot-spot for travelers in recent years due to its great outdoor wonders – hiking waterfalls, lounging in hot springs, beholding the Northern Lights. So, how about making this country more than a 2-week vacation? Say, your new home? There will always be new sites to explore on this island with its quaint, colorful towns and wide open spaces to get lost in.
8. Ireland
The beautiful land of Ireland, with its lush green grass, low crime rate, and high quality of education and health care makes number 8 on the countdown for the best countries to live in. When you decide to move to Ireland, you can choose to rent a lighthouse (we aren't kidding), or plant yourself in a home on the coast. Adventure to the Cliffs of Moher, hike all day long, and surf when you aren't busy hiking. Ireland provides much excitement in addition to their great education, health care, and income.
7. The Netherlands
Whether it's moving to the countryside or to the charming canal-filled city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands is one of the best countries to live in. And, better yet, it has been for the past 26 years. The Netherlands has made the top 10 cut since 1990. This steady consistency across the board may be enough for you to book your one-way ticket right now.
6. Singapore
This country ranks high in life expectancy as it takes the number 6 spot in the best countries to live in countdown. It's also among the safest countries in the worlds. Move to Singapore for great food, great culture, great things to do, and great sunsets.
5. Denmark
Denmark ranks high in terms of universal health care and higher education. The country's citizens are also among the happiest and friendliest in the world. Come to Denmark for delicious Danish pastries, classic and modern architecture, and universities that cost absolutely nothing to attend.
4. Germany
Germany is awesome. Namely for the country's score when it comes to energy efficiency, higher education (free for residents and international students), and development. Germany also downright cares about people – both citizens, immigrants, and refugees alike.
3. Switzerland
Switzerland has ranked among the top best countries to live in for years now. With great overall health, education, and development, this small European country is again this year holding one of the top spots.
2. Australia
Education, education, education. According to the UN, the average student can expect to go to school for 20 years. Of all countries, Australia takes the highest score when it comes to average years of schooling per child.
1. Norway
It is no surprise that a Scandinavian country seizes the number 1 spot among the best countries to live in. In fact, this is the 13th year in a row that Norway has held this comfortable title as the best country to live in. Norway is known for low crime rates, energy efficiency, gender equality, mostly free higher education, and great health care. The people are also among the nicest in the world. So, move to Norway and there is no doubt that you will be welcomed in with open arms right away.

Credit: Jasmine Corbett
Although ranked in accordance to overall life expectancy, health, quality of education, and financial wealth, there are a plethora of other countries that are wonderful to explore and settle down in, located just off the beaten path. If you currently call one of these high ranking countries home, there is always the possibility of taking your education and moving to a country that is hungry to learn. Perhaps there is hope that one day every country will be neck and neck at the top of this list of the best countries to live in.
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