Dreams can come true on this secluded Scottish paradise.

Having your own private island might just be the ultimate luxury. There’s nothing quite like kicking back and enjoying the solitude of your own isle. You would even get to name it. Fortunately these delusions of grandeur may be closer to reality than you might think. One of Scotland’s famed private islands is now up for grabs, at a surprisingly reasonable price.

Will you put a bid in for a chance at this one in a lifetime opportunity?

The Scottish island of Linga lies within Valia Sound, in Western Shetland. At this point in time, Linga is a true desert island, having no permanent residents since 1934. Now they are looking to change that. Linga’s lush green landscape and spacious, open layout create an atmosphere of solitude. If you move here, you’ll undoubtedly experience that for yourself.

Scottish Island

Bids for the island of Linga begin at $352,400, not bad for your own island. Reportedly, this is half the price of a London flat, and a whole lot more property. At 65 acres, Linga offers potential owners the opportunity to live off the land. There are endless agricultural possibilities for those who might live here.

Currently, there are just two ramshackle cottages on the island. New residents will have to put in a bit of work to make the space livable. Fortunately, the previous owners of Linga secured the necessary permits for building new structures on the island. You are free to build anything from a windmill to a boating dock.

Does this sound like your dream home? Living in a tiny cottage on your very own Scottish island? For less than a home in London, you can begin a new chapter. Take a chance and bid on the island of a lifetime.

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