There are never too many ways to share your travel memories.

TripAdvisor is a long time travel resource, designed to provide the latest information on the places you want to visit. From luxury hotels to local eateries, TripAdvisor lets you know what to expect before you go. With interactive forums as well, you are able to communicate with fellow travelers regarding your experiences. But now, TripAdvisor is stepping up their social interaction game even more with their latest addition. Think of Facebook, but for travel.

Be sure to check out TripAdvisor's newest feature this year.

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Do you enjoy posting about your travels on social media feeds such as Facebook or Instagram? If so, you are going to like TripAdvisor's newest add-on. With the new innovative design by TripAdvisor, you are able to create your own personal profile page to share all of your own travel memories. Like all other social media, there is also an interactive side to the app, which allows you to connect with friends and follow brands and influencers.

The social networking side of this is brilliant, as you can learn personalized travel tips and tricks from those you follow. Enjoy the Pinterest-esqe feel as you scroll through your newsfeed filled with dreamy travel inspiration. Also not unlike Pinterest, you can “bookmark” different posts to save for later. This is a quick way to snag a good travel idea.

This latest site feature is launching later this year, so get ready to create your own profile and start planning the next adventure.

If you thinking all this talk of travel-oriented social media sounds familiar, you would be correct. Airbnb just recently announced their interactive social travel stories addition to their app. There really are endless options for sharing your adventures with the world.

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