Check out this once in a lifetime opportunity by the famous publisher.

Does your dream job involve copious amounts of travel? Many people fantasize about getting paid to trek around the globe. Thanks to the New York Times, your dream just might become a reality. One lucky individual will travel to top destinations for journalism purposes.

The newspaper’s annual 52 Places to Go list is a reader favorite, offering top travel destinations to visit each year. 2018 marks the thirteenth year of the New York Times releasing this list. Because of the immense popularity of the column, correspondingly this year they are raising the stakes. The New York Times is currently seeking one reporter to travel to each of these 52 destinations.

Do you have what it takes to be a traveling journalist?

The ideal candidate for this position has a qualified background in travel, and equipped with certain media qualifications. You will be responsible for capturing the essence of a place in colorful words and pictures. In a way, you are bringing your readers along with you on your journey as they see the world through your eyes. The best person would be someone who can artistically express the spirit within each unique place.

Here are a few of the top spots you will get to visit with this job. The number one location on the list is Canada, with its vast array of national parks and bright blue lakes. Not far behind is Chile’s exotic Atacama Desert. India and Switzerland also claim top spots in the New York Times’ book.

If you love to write and travel, then this is the job for you. Apply today, and you just might be the only lucky person to get paid to travel the world.

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