We are sizing up the travel trends for 2019. Or rather, they are sizing up.

This year is nearly over, and with 2019 quickly approaching, it is time to consider a new year of travels. 2019 brings with it exciting adventure opportunities and predicted travel trends. According to the 2019 Travel Trend Report from popular vacation rental company, HomeAway, super-sizing is the next big thing (pun intended). More and more American vacationers want bigger home rentals than ever before when traveling.

Bigger is better for 2019 travelers.

travel trends, 2019 travel, travel intel

To validate HomeAway's report, recent statistics show that castle and estate rentals rose by almost 55% and 25% within this past year. Vacationing in a castle does not sound half bad, so we can't blame them. Who knew you could rent a castle on a whim?

The reason behind the sudden obsession with square footage largely has to do with traveler's new priorities. Multigenerational travel is currently an extremely hot travel trend. This means that more extended family is coming along on vacation. As this generation of millennials matures, their priorities shift, and many prefer to spend increased time within family inside their accommodation. With grandparents joining the family trip, there also, of course, is an increased need for more space. Larger vacation rentals allow families to have important bonding time, while also being the most comfortable.

Surprisingly, bigger vacation rentals actually lower the overall accommodation cost significantly. It is also homier when you stay in a private rental home as opposed to a hotel room.

Would you rent an entire castle or estate for your next family vacation? If you want to give this travel trend a try, it seems that 2019 is the year to do so. Pack up the whole family for a luxurious getaway with an entire property at your fingertips.

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