Thanks to Google, you can now have your own personal translator.

Modern day technological advances are increasingly simplifying the travel experience. Exploring other cultures is less intimidating when relational walls break down and bridges built. Communication is one of the most important ways to connect with other humans. Because of this, of course, language barriers present a great challenge when immersed in a new country. Learning another language takes a great deal of time and energy, something that not everyone can spare. Here is where technology comes in. With Google’s latest endeavor, you can now have your own personal translator in your ear.

Be sure to check out this amazing device for yourself.

Google unveiled their futuristic gadget yesterday at a convention in San Francisco. Donned Pixel Buds, they are designed to translate languages in real time. This contraption looks like a pair of headphones, but these are way cooler than even Apple’s Air Pods. Incorporating Google’s current Google Translate database, Pixel Buds can translate up to 40 languages.

At the San Francisco event, Google’s project manager Justin Payne demonstrated Pixel Buds. On stage, he held a conversation in English with a person speaking in Swedish. As he spoke a phrase in English, the Pixel Buds could be heard translating it into Swedish for the listener. Likewise, the Swedish response translated back to English, on the whole allowing for a clear conversation.

This technology will change international relations for the better. Pixel Buds allows you travel to connect with locals and build relationships as you travel to new nations.

Are you ready to try these out on your next international trip? You can get your hands on Pixel Buds beginning in November. Fortunately, you can preorder a pair starting this Wednesday.

Our thoughts? We think Pixel Buds: $159; no language barriers: Priceless.

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