Travelling is not all about you.

As 2018 quickly draws to a close, researchers are looking to see what 2019 brings for travel trends. With the impending new year comes a number of fresh ways to view how you travel. One particular trend likely is conscious travel. For the humanitarian and advocate for social issues, this is your time to shine. 2019 is shaping up to be the year to take on a more conscious mindset when it comes to planning where you go.

2019 is making more conscious travellers.

travel trends, 2019, travel intel, conscious travel

In a survey by, nearly half of travellers polled shared that they think that social concerns are of primary importance when it comes to picking a destination. Additionally, travellers shared that they would not visit a place if tourism caused more harm than good. This is shaping up to be a positive travel trend for humanitarian efforts around the world.

There are also unique travel options where you can actively make a difference where you go. Humanitarian service trips give travellers the opportunity to aid a community with their construction or sanitation needs. Backpacktivism is another way to gain a broader understanding of the world. These trips encourage adventurers to learn more about the country's social challenges and needs. Check out a backpactivism program here.

Regardless of travel trends or your own personal travel style, we could all stand to be a little more conscious of how we tread on this earth. As you enter into the new year and plan future trips, leave room to gain more understanding. Educate yourself about the political and social norms of other countries as well as imminent needs. Make sure you give more then you take when it comes to visiting a new destination.

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