Are you looking to live abroad? Check out our list of some of the best places to live in Europe. 

So you are ready to leave the United States. Every year, hundreds of North American natives leave the comfort of home to live abroad. One of the most popular destinations to go to is Europe. There is no wonder why either. There are so many beautiful cities that make for some of the best places to live in Europe. Too many of these cities are way too hard to ignore.

Today, we are going to take an in depth look at some of the top best places to live in Europe. We will break down what makes each city such a great place to live. From the quality of the air to the quality of the neighborhoods, we have got you covered. Let's jump into our list of some of the best places to live in Europe.

1. Vienna, Austria

best places to live in Europe - Vienna, Austria

Aside from its beauty, Vienna, Austria is one of the best places to live in Europe. For starters, the atmosphere here is simply incredible. You can look forward to being greeted with an open minded and Welcoming environment. The people who live here are incredibly friendly and are a perfect bunch to live amongst. Along with that, the city itself has a unique history to it as well.

Vienna does a fantastic job of blending the past and the present together. You can easily see this in their unique landscape. The buildings majestically capture the beauty of the past that has made Vienna what it is today. All the while, there is a modern appreciation for things like the arts and the sciences as well.

Some hot spots that you should check out include Vienna's incredible amusement park, the Prater. This amusement park is in the heart of the city and draws out not only locals but hundreds of tourists as well. Along with that, and iconic feature of Vienna is the beautiful Schonbrunn Palace. This palace is as stunning as it is historic. 

To check out whether or not Vienna is the best places to live in Europe, then it is an absolute must that you take a trip out here. If you stay a couple of days or a couple of weeks, we are certain you will fall in love with Vienna as well.

2. Barcelona, Spain 

best places to live in Europe - Barcelona, Spain

Another one of the best places to live in Europe is easily Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona has got a lot going on for it. For starters, there is the historic past that Barcelona is so well known for. This has earned it the title as one of the best cities in Spain. Not only that, but the beauty of the city is incredibly enchanting. The buildings, streets, and alleyways are perfect for strolling around and getting lost in.

When it comes to the city itself, and the people who called Barcelona home, newcomers are sure to love it. For starters, a good bit of people here speak English. If you do not know much of the native language, then you can get around for a bit until you start picking it up. 

Speaking of being a foreigner, you can expect that for the most part, the city welcomes them with open arms. Along with that, they have followed in the footsteps of a majority of the world and are racially tolerant of people from other places. Not only that, but one of the main things that Barcelona is known for is their advocacy for peace. It is a common thing wherever you go to see people who genuinely strive to live a happy and peaceful life.

If you are a female who is worried about moving to a new location, Barcelona has got you covered. What makes Barcelona one of the best places to live in Europe is the fact that it is so female friendly. You do not have to worry about female oppression or any such a negativity towards females. 

Lastly, Barcelona is known for all the fun that they have. From the beautiful beaches to the eclectic choice of restaurants, Barcelona is the place to be. Without a doubt, Barcelona is one of the best places to live in Europe. If you don't believe us, book a ticket out here and spend a couple days and we know you will fall in love as well.

3.  Lisbon, Portugal

best places to live in Europe - Lisbon, Portugal

When it comes to many digital nomads, Lisbon easily tops the list as one of the best places to visit. Not only that, but we are going to take it a step further and say that it is one of the best places to live in Europe. 

For starters, the cost of living here is Not too much of a strain. In fact, the median average cost of living for an expat Is around $1,300 a month. To give you a sense of the city's affordability, a cup of coffee will cost you no more than a dollar. Along with that, a decent dinner will typically cost you around $6. For a more in depth breakdown of the cost of living, click here. The numbers alone make it an attractive place to work and live. You do not have to worry about your funds going to your basic needs. Rather you can actually enjoy yourself in this beautiful city. Especially if you are a digital nomad. 

Along with the prices, there are so many other things to look forward to in Lisbon. For starters, about 75% of the population here is able to understand some English. Right off the bat, the language barrier begins to break apart. When it comes to the city itself, you do not really need a car to get around either. There is plenty of public transportation for you to take advantage of. Not only that, but the city is so incredibly beautiful. It's simply one of the most walkable cities in Europe.

Lastly, the friendliness of the environment around you is simply superb. In fact, it is one of the most accepting cities with a tolerant bunch of folk. Not only that but when it comes to foreigners, the locals here are totally friendly. You have the freedom to express yourself and enjoy yourself all at the same time when you consider calling Lisbon home. After all, if you ask any expat they are sure to tell you that Lisbon is easily one of the best places to live in Europe.

4. Munich, Germany

best places to live in Europe - Munich, Germany

This next location is a favorite for so many people who are looking for the best places to live in Europe. Munich, Germany has so much going on for it that you certainly should not ignore it. For starters, everything from the city's traffic, to the city's safety is great. There are not really any concerns about being safe in this cit

When it comes to people of different nationalities, Munich is a super tolerant location. You do not have to worry about blending in because acceptance is a big theme here. Along with that, females do not have to be worried if they plan on moving alone. Munich is super friendly towards females and crimes against females are not really a norm here. 

When it comes to having fun, Munich delivers. There is so much to do here in Munich that after work, you are sure to have fun exploring the city. From museums to historical landmarks, you are sure to find something to enjoy. Not only that, but the restaurant scene here is simply amazing.

Lastly, communication is not a barrier if you do not speak German just yet. Munich is known for their ability to communicate in English rather well. In fact, you cannot go anywhere without running into an English speaker. If you get lost, dont worry. You are sure to run into someone who will communicate the way for you. 

Overall, the quality of life in Munich is what makes it one of the best places to live in Europe. The pulse of the city overall is one that is home to a happy and friendly bunch of people. These are the same people who accept and embrace expats with open arms. If you are looking for one of the best places to live in Europe, then Munich is a city that you simply cannot ignore.

5. Pisa, Italy

best places to live in Europe - Pisa, Italy

Italy is one of the most historical and beautiful places in all of Europe. In fact, if you ask any European, they will tell you that Italy is one of the most desired countries to visit and live in. However, because of its popularity, it may not seem like the most affordable location to live in. While that may sound logical, it really boils down to what part of Italy you are talking about. In fact, one of the most affordable and best places to live in Europe is Pisa, Italy.

For starters, Pisa is not as crowded as you may think. Other than the iconic Leaning Tower of Pisa, the city itself is rather calm. Because of this calm, Pisa is one of the best places to live in Europe. For starters, the cost of living here is rather attractive. If you are an expat, you can expect to pay around $1,500 a month in living fees. To give you a sense of life here, a cup of coffee cost a little over $2 and a decent dinner will cost you about seven bucks. If you are looking to rent a one-bedroom studio or apartment, you will typically be looking at around $800 a month. When compared to the rest of Italy, these figures are rather attractive. Not only will you be able to afford living here, but you will be able to enjoy it as well.

Along with the cost of living, your location is rather unique. Pisa is situated close to the heart of Italy. This means that you will have easy access to popular locations such as Venice and Rome. And of course, the beautiful city of Florence is just a short train drive away. 

Lastly, the atmosphere in Pisa is simply charming. A great deal of the natives here speaks English. this means that you do not have to worry about the language barrier. The Italian will come to you in time. Along with that, the natives are particularly friendly to foreigners and are not too dismayed with them. Lastly, you can plan on having plenty of fun in Pisa. From their beautiful attractions to their vibrant nightlife, Pisa is easily one of the best places to live in Europe.

6. Gothenburg, Sweden

best places to live in Europe - Gothenburg, Sweden

If you want to dial it down a bit and live a slow paced life that is as Charming as it is relaxing, then Sweden is the country to look at. In fact, Gothenburg, Sweden is one of the best places to live in Europe. For starters, your connectivity here will always be super. Wherever you go in the country, the internet is pretty easy to come by. This can be super helpful if you are a digital nomad who relies on the internet to get your work done. Not only that, but the city itself is super clean. In fact, they are known for having some of the best air quality in Europe.

If you plan on moving to Europe alone, then you can rest easy in the fact knowing that Gothenburg is voted as one of the safest cities. And we are not talking about just in Sweden but in all of Europe. Locals and foreigners love the peace of mind of being able to walk about the city without having to worry about crime. Along with that, the city itself is perfect for exploring by foot. In fact, it is one of the most walkable cities and all of Europe.

If you were to take the pulse of the country, and the pulse of Gothenburg, we are sure you will be pleased. Locals here report happiness that is higher than most cities in Europe. This happiness bodes well for people who are looking for the best places to live in Europe. Along with the happiness, digital nomads and expats can look forward to an abundance of racial tolerance. For foreigners, this will make you feel right at home. Along with that, you do not have to worry about learning the local language just yet. A majority of the people here already speak English. This means getting around and getting acclimated to the culture will be a breeze.

Lastly, there is plenty of fun things to do in Gothenburg. From the natural wonders to the beautiful architecture, museums, and social squares, Gothenburg has an abundance of fun to offer. We love that this city slows things down a bit and is not too focused on always running. If you were looking for a calm and peaceful place to call home, Gothenburg, Sweden is easily one of the best places to live in Europe.

7. Helsinki, Finland

best places to live in Europe - Helsinki, Finland

Helsinki, Finland is one of the best places to live in Europe. Especially when it comes to a social standpoint. In terms of safety and access to hospitals, Helsinki ranks as one of the best places to be. In fact, the city is known for their upstanding quality in terms of social services.

When it comes to the safety of the people in Helsinki, it is rather favorable. In fact, it is considered to be one of the safest cities in Finland. (And really all of Europe too). This means that you do not have to worry about being a foreigner and traveling throughout the city. Especially if you are a female. In fact, the city is rather protective of females. The natives here in Helsinki are super friendly and accepting of foreigners. There is a superb amount of freedom of speech and you do not have to worry about not being your true self here.

In terms of the city itself, there is plenty of fun to be had. Helsinki is known for their incredible historic and social landmarks. From the sprawling museums to the iconic landmarks, Helsinki is certainly a great city to explore. In terms of the best places to live in Europe, Helsinki is certainly a city that delivers on it's fun.

If you are not familiar with the native language, then no worries. Helsinki is rather perfect for English speakers. A majority of the natives here can comprehend and communicate in the English language.

Perhaps the only downside to Helsinki is the weather and unfortunately the cost of living. The cost of living here in Helsinki is a little bit higher than some of the other places in Europe. However, Helsinki is still one of the best places to live in Europe because it is so socially acceptable. When it comes to the weather, if you love the winter time and the colder months, then this is the city for you. Overall, for some digital nomads and expats, the cost of living here is overshadowed by the fact that it is such a great city to live in. If you are looking for one of the best places to live in Europe that offers a charming atmosphere, then Helsinki should not be ignored.

8. Budapest, Hungary 

best places to live in Europe - Budapest, Hungary

If historic landmarks are what you are after, then one of the best places to live in Europe is Budapest, Hungary. Budapest, Hungary is known for so many popular tourist attractions. However, you don't have to limit your exposure to this beautiful city with tourism alone. In fact, many digital nomads call Budapest home. Let's take a look at all the reasons that Budapest, Hungary is one of the best places to live in Europe.

For starters, this city is rated as one of the best countries to stay connected in. If your lifestyle demands an internet connection, then this is a great country to call home. You never have to worry about staying connected. Along with its great connectivity, Budapest is also one of the cleanest cities in Europe. In fact, it is known for having some of the best air quality you could ask for. The air quality is not the only popular attraction here in Budapest. It is also considered to be a relatively safe city. Whether you are living alone or living with fellow travelers, you can rest easy knowing that crime will likely not afflict you in this city. 

Other awesome perks that you can expect to find in this city are the cost of living. The cost of living in Budapest is rather Pleasant. In fact, the cost of living for an expat is around $1,000 per month. To give you a sense of what the cost of living looks like, a dinner will roughly cost you around 5 bucks while a cup of coffee or a bottle of coke will generally cost you about one buck. For digital nomads who don't have a lot of money to splurge, this can be one of the best cities to call home.

Lastly, there is so much to do in Budapest, that you are sure not to want to leave. From exploring all the popular monuments and museums to roaming around the cobblestone streets. You can easily spend a year in Budapest and not get tired of it. If you are looking for one of the best places to live in Europe, then Budapest is certainly a location to think about.

9. Dublin, Ireland 

best places to live in Europe - Dublin, Ireland

If you are looking for one of the best places to live in Europe that really allows you to connect with nature, then this next city is for you. Dublin, Ireland is easily a great city to consider as one of the best places to live in Europe. Dublin has got so much going on for it. 

For starters, there is an endless amount of fun to have here that we are sure you will never forget. Not only that, but there is plenty of countryside and greenery right outside your door. This can be perfect if being on your computer all day leaves you yearning for the outdoors. While living in Dublin, Ireland is great, there are some drawbacks to consider. For example, the cost of living here is a little on the steep side here. In fact, unless you have a permanent job in Dublin that pays well, it can be a bit expensive to afford living here. 

Although the cost of living may not be favorable, there are so many things to make up for it. First of all, Dublin is considered to be heaven on Earth for some. The beautiful views offered from the stunning Cliffs of Moher are easily worth any price tag. Not only that, but it is one of the many countries in Europe where English is spoken throughout the country. Along with that, the community in Dublin is incredibly open and welcoming. The people in Dublin are incredibly tolerant towards foreigners and people of other races. If you are worried about blending in, you do not have to be in a great City.

 There are a couple of things to consider if you plan on calling Dublin home. For example, because of the steep price tag, Dublin, Ireland is really only a great place to live if you are looking for a short term home. Not only that but because of its location, you are not necessarily close to some of the other major cities in Europe. However, for many expats, the downsides are not plentiful enough. For the sheer beauty of the city alone, Dublin is easily one of the best places to live in Europe.

Final Thoughts

If you ask anyone who has done it, they will tell you that living abroad is one of the most eye opening experience ever. When you leave your home country to live in a foreign land, you truly get an experience that is like no other. Not only do you get to see the daily lives of others. But you get to really appreciate the beauty of the world. With so many cities that make for the best places to live in Europe, your problem will not be whether or not you are ready to move, but where you should move to. Before you plan out this new chapter in your life, consider some of these best places to live in Europe. While it may be tricky settling on one location, one thing is for certian. No matter where you land, there is no doubt that you will love it.

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