Pencil in more time for travel this holiday season, because these new TSA regulations will take a while.

Long lines and heavy traffic are some of the most strenuous parts of travel during this time of year. As you make the trip home for some roast turkey and homemade pumpkin pie, keep in mind that travel times are at an all-time high. If you are planning on flying during the holidays, here are some insider travel tips for easily meeting the new TSA regulations.

Prepare yourself for longer airport security lines.

If you think airport security lines are long now, think again. According to the Transportation Security Administration, travel time might be even longer than expected this year.

In September, the TSA reportedly failed between 70 and 80 percent of their routine testing. Potentially dangerous items made it through the security system, despite the Transportation Security Administration’s efforts. Due to these discrepancies in the security system, some new TSA regulations are being initiated. Of course, this change is here just in time for the holidays.

new TSA regulations - travel

The new TSA regulations require any electronics larger than a mobile phone to be placed in a separate bin.

If you are traveling with electronics, save yourself the stress of digging through your carry on bag, and keep them in an outside pocket. That way you can easily access them when it is time to go through security. Be sure also to consider the additional time needed as you head to the airport, so you don’t miss your flight. Being a few minutes ahead of schedule keeps you stress free and leaves room for any delays.

This holiday season, prepare yourself for the longer wait time with plenty of snacks and activities. With the right book or magazine to browse, the extended time in line will be over before you know it.

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