What Gifts Do Travelers Want? These 14.

With holidays and birthdays, celebrations and special events, there are many times throughout the year that you may be inclined to give gifts to friends and family members. If you know a decent number of travelers, then you may be racking your brain about what travel gifts you can get for them. Here at Trekbible, we know a thing or two about traveling. Therefore, we are pleased to help you out with gift options for the globetrotters in your life. We have compiled a list of 14 travel gifts that every globetrotter wants. Some items are very inexpensive, whereas others are a greater investment. From items that travelers can use on their adventures to items they can set up around their home (to remind them of their travels), we hope you find this list helpful.

1. Scratch-Off Map

travel gifts - Scratch-Off Map

Credit: Amazon

A scratch-off map is a unique and fun way for travelers to keep track of the countries they have visited. Travelers will enjoy scratching off all their past and future destinations with this personalized gift. The map will read like a travel journal and display a globetrotter's travel history. This map, in particular, is 33.25 x 23.5 inches. Countries are outlined in a gold scratch-off layer, which comes off easily with a coin. If you know people who have been all over the map, then consider purchasing this gift for them. This is a gift that doesn't stop giving. Whenever a traveler explores a new place, they can look forward to scratching off another destination. Gifting this map will be an ongoing thrill for travelers. In terms of top travel gifts, a scratch-off map is certainly one of them.

2. A GoPro

travel gifts - GoPro

Credit: Amazon

To catching all of their adventures, a GoPro will be an extraordinary gift for any traveler to receive. This small gadget holds numerous possibilities from shooting videos, snapping photos, and using neat features like Time Lapse. With this gift, travelers will be able to record the new, exciting places they explore. Travelers, again and again, have raved about this product. Though GoPro cameras are not cheap, they do make incredible travel gifts if you are feeling extra generous.

3. Travel Journal

travel gifts - Travel Journal

Credit: Amazon

While scratch-off maps and GoPro cameras are one way to track one's travels, there is always the old-fashioned pen and paper way as well. Travel journals make brilliant travel gifts for those who love to write. Some people enjoy the art of sitting down and tracking their adventures through the swirl of a pen and for them, a journal makes an excellent give. Travel journals come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. We have an entire review of some of the top travel journals that we recommend you check out if gifting a journal is something you are interested in. No matter which one you choose, the travel writers in your life will jump for joy to receive such a meaningful and intentional gift.

4. Portable Electronic Accessories Storage Case

travel gifts - Storage Case

Credit: Amazon

Storage cases are very practical to keep all of those cables, chargers, and electronics organized. When traveling, one of the biggest challenges can be locating all of your cables, chargers, and electronics when you need them. Cords have the tendency to wrap around one another, get tangled, and cause a mess in your backpack or carry-on. That's why receiving an electronic accessories storage case would be a huge blessing. Travelers will be able to easily retrieve their headphones, cell phone charger, and more when they are all conveniently placed in the case. This is also one of those travel gifts that travelers likely won't purchase for themselves. This is because a storage case is something you don't think you need until you have one and realize how brilliant it is to store all your accessories in one place.

5. Packing Cubes

travel gifts - Packing Cubes

Credit: Amazon

Packing cubes can save time, energy, and valuable luggage space. If you know of a traveler that likes to stay extra organized, then packing cubes will make great travel gifts for them. Packing cubes come in a variety of sizes and colors. Most are sold in a package deal where you receive numerous sizes. Think about the traveler you are buying for and what color packing cubes they would enjoy the most. If you know the color of their suitcase or backpack, then you may want to consider getting a color that matches their other travel gear. To give the gift of packing cubes can sound insignificant, but trust us, these are travel gifts that globetrotters will really appreciate.

6. Portable Speaker

travel gifts - Portable Speaker

Credit: Amazon

To play music on the go, portable speakers are a must. And since travelers are constantly on the go, what makes a better gift than portable speakers? Travelers will be able to jam to their favorite tunes no matter where they are. From the mountains to the beach, the train station to the airport terminal, the hotel to the car, portable speakers always come in handy. Nowadays, portable speakers come in various sizes. Most take up little space and are lightweight, so they can easily be stored in carry-on suitcases, backpacks, and even purses. If you know of someone who is frequently listening to music and is frequently on the go, then consider giving them a portable speaker.

7. Camping Hammock

travel gifts - Camping Hammock

Credit: Amazon

If you know of any hikers, backpackers, campers, and outdoor explorers, then one idea is to gift them a camping hammock. That is, if they do not have one already. Camping hammocks squish down to a compact size. This makes hammocking a possibility anywhere someone goes. All that is required are two trees, which aren't hard to find in the outdoors. These hammocks also come in a wide range of color options. Any color you can think of, there is a camping hammock that comes in that shade. Again, these hammocks are absolute hits among outdoorsy travelers. If you know an outdoorsy traveler and are wondering what travel gifts they would like, there is a great chance that a camping hammock is one they would be glad to receive.

8. Beats Wireless Headphones​​​​​

travel gifts - Wireless Headphones​​​​​

Credit: Amazon

From plane to plane, train to train, taxi to uber to rental car, there are so many places where travelers are tempted to drift off, catch some zzz's, and listen to music. Board an airplane and not long after takeoff, nearly the entire plane will be plugged into their electronics. Whether they are listening to music or watching a movie, travelers always seem to be plugged into some kind of audio connection. This is why wireless headphones make a lovely gift for travelers. Cheap headphones give out after a few years (sometimes after a few months), so we recommend investing in a pair that is made of quality. Beats wireless headphones are one of those quality options that you may wish to consider. Travelers will be cruising in style with a pair of Beats around their ears.

9. Travel Coffee or Espresso Maker

travel gifts - Espresso Maker

Credit: Amazon

For all the traveling coffee lovers you know, a travel coffee or espresso maker makes a wonderful gift. Travel coffee and espresso makers are useful while camping and when jumping from hostel to hostel where you don't know what the coffee quality will be like. There are tons of travel coffee makers on the market today. If you need assistance in choosing the best one for the traveler you have in mind, then check out our list of the top travel coffee makers.

10. Compression Socks

travel gifts - Compression Socks

Credit: Amazon

For long flights and rides, compression socks make the best travel companion. You will find many airplane passengers whipping out their compression socks before takeoff to help with circulation and leg exhaustion. Sockwell sells comfortable compression socks at an affordable price. Also, you can choose from grays, stripes, pinks, purples, and several other color option. Since travelers are often sitting for an extended period of time while in route to their destination, gifting them a pair of compression socks will be much appreciated.

11. Travel Iron

travel gifts - Travel Iron

Credit: Amazon

The invention of travel irons was pure brilliance. When you are traveling from hotel to hotel, you will likely have access to an iron and an ironing board. However, what happens when you are backpacking, staying at hostels and Airbnb's, and don't know how to get the wrinkles out of your shirts? A hair straightener may be able to help, but definitely won't do a quality job. What will do a quality job is a travel iron/steamer! These gadgets are small enough to fit in your bag and take up hardly any room.

12. Polaroid Camera

travel gifts - Polaroid Camera

Credit: Amazon

To instantly capture moments while on the road, travelers need a polaroid camera. Polaroid cameras are sort of old-school, but still very cool cameras to have. Like the scratch-off map, the GoPro, and the travel journal, a Polaroid camera can document where travelers have been and significant memories they have collected along the way. If looking for travel gifts that globetrotters will really love, consider gifting a Polaroid camera to the travelers in your life.

13. Airbnb Gift Card

travel gifts - Airbnb Gift Card

Credit: Amazon

Yes, Airbnb does sell gift cards. And yes, they make perhaps the best travel gifts. Airbnb is on the rise and has been for quite some time. Nowadays, more and more travelers are booking accommodations through Airbnb over hotels and hostels. We are certain that all travelers will be grateful to receive an Airbnb gift card. By gifting this card, you can be a part of their next adventure!

14. A Boarding Pass

travel gifts - Boarding Pass

There isn't much that can top an Airbnb gift card, but there is one thing. A boarding pass. All that travelers really want to do is travel more. Gifting them the opportunity to travel will be the greatest present. Whether it is a boarding pass to a new city or a promise to take them on a weekend camping trip, anything that offers a chance to explore will mean the world to globetrotters.

Which of These Travel Gifts Would Your Globetrotter Like?

We hope you found this list of our top travel gifts to be helpful. Which of these products do you think the travelers you know will like best? Let us know in the comments section below. Happy shopping and happy giving!

Related Article: ​Gifts for Travelers: The Ultimate Gift Guide​​​