Reach new heights with international travel when you fly with United Airlines.

When it comes to international flight offerings, United Airlines has no hesitations about tackling the next big thing. Their strategic interactions and new airfare destination expansions are just the beginning. The sky really is the limit here. United Airlines' latest international endeavor includes three high-profile routes throughout some of Europe's top rated cities. If you are itching to pay a visit to Naples, Italy, or Prague, then now is your chance. United's newest flight offerings make these incredible European cities even more accessible to North American travelers.

Visit Naples, Italy, or Prague when you fly with United Airlines.

United Airlines

As the only North American airline offering a flight directly to Naples, United is launching their service on May 22. All of these new flights depart straight out of Newark Liberty International Airport from United Airlines' hub. An additional connection from San Francisco to Amsterdam also begins on March 30. Check out United's website for specific flight offerings as these dates draw closer.

United Airline has risen to the top of the travel world as they continue to unfold their international flight reach. With other routes to Sydney, Argentina, Tel Aviv, Israel, Singapore, Tahiti, French Polynesia, and Iceland, United is touching base in every part of the globe. Consider flying with United Airlines for all of your international travel needs.

Keep your eyes out for these new flight offerings as you consider your European travel plans in 2019. Be sure to pay a visit to Naples, Amsterdam, Italy, or Prague for your next adventure. You will surely not be disappointed with all these amazing cities have to offer. Thanks to United Airline, you can better access beautiful European cities as you fly out of North America.

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