So you want to pack smarter.

Packing for a trip is certainly not the best part of the overall travel experience. The only thing worse really is unpacking (but we will get to that another day). For now, you need to be aware of the right tools out there to help ensure stress-free packing. Fortunately, there are plenty of tips and tricks at your disposal to alleviate packing woes. Packing cubs and compression bags are two particularly useful items that you are going to want to get familiar with. These tools work great with organizing all your travel necessities. As for which is better, it is up to you to decide between packing cubes vs compression bags.

When it comes down to it, having a side by side comparisons help to make the most informed decision. Each of these tools are unique in their own way and work for different travelers. As you consider packing cubes vs compression bags, make sure you know what you need to know about both. We have the information you need in order to make the best decision based on your personal packing preference.

Here is the inside scoop on packing cubes vs compression bags.

Packing Cubes

Packing Cubes vs Compression Bags

Packing cubes are those tiny organization pouches designed to keep your travel items perfectly organized. If you are one of those people who doesn’t like different foods touching on your plate, then packing cubes are going to be your best friend. These adorable packing tools comes in every shape and size imaginable, so you can completely customize your travel experience. Now you can keep every travel item category completely separate within your suitcase.


There are plenty of good things to consider regarding packing cubes. Packing cubes have a lot of durability, so they will last you for many trips. The various shapes and sizes work perfectly as you pack everything you need. With packing cubes, you no longer have to dig through your luggage, leaving it strewn all across the floor. The mesh material that comprises most packing cubes helps you spot just what you need easily. You can use a matching set, or try color coding specific parts of your travel items.


With packing cubes vs compression bags, there are certainly downsides to using packing cubes. While their precise shape makes for a neat and tidy suitcase experience, these cubes do not work as well in oddly shaped bags. Backpacks and duffle bags are definitely not the ideal way to use packing cubes. Another downside as you compare packing cubes vs compression bags, is that packing cubes actually do not conserve space as well as you would hope. Again the shape often takes up more room, so while your items are organized, you likely have less space to use.

Why Use Them

If you often travel with a traditional suitcase and like organization, packing cubes are just what you need. The option of choosing different sizes and colors helps optimize your item dispersion throughout your luggage. There are some amazing packing cubes out on the travel market today. Check out some great options here.

Compression Bags

If you want to imagine compression bags, just think of a giant zip-lock bag, but for clothes and travel items. Compression bags are a heavy duty plastic bag that vacuum seals shut. This eliminates extra airspace and takes up minimal room. These packing tools are often utilized for storing off-season clothes around the home. However, incorporating them into your travel packing routine is not a bad idea.


When you analyze packing cubes vs compression bags, compression bags work great if space saving is what you need. Their vacuum-seal is perfect for trimming down that extra room large clothing items like sweaters and jackets take up. They are also waterproof, which is never a bad thing. Compression bags cost less than packing cubes, so that you can purchase a larger quantity as well.


With packing cubes vs compression bags, keep in mind that compression bags are more likely to wrinkle your clothing items. If you prefer things to be neat and scot free upon arrival, then compression bags are not ideal. These bags are also not as time efficient as packing cubes if you need something in a pinch. With compression bags, you have to unzip it and pull everything out of the bag in order to find what you want. It is also time consuming to reseal everything back up afterwards.

Why Use Them

If you want the most bang for your buck, then use compression bags. These are the ideal accessories for taking the maximum advantage of your suitcase space. You should also ensure that you use travel specific compression bags, as they are specially designed to meet your travel needs. Keep in mind when packing with compression bags that even though you have more room in your suitcase, it is still going to weigh the same.

Packing Cubes vs Compression Bags: The choice is yours.

So what is it going to be? Are you looking for efficient organization or convenient space saving? No matter what, when you try out packing cubes vs compression bags, you get to learn your personal packing style and preferences. Something that works for one traveler might not be as convenient for another. It all depends on what you need. Either way, you can pack smarter, not harder, with the countless tools and tricks available to you. Soon you will be tackling that travel packing list without a second thought when you take advantage of helpful resources like these.

Related Article: Top 5: The Best Packing Cubes To Help You Stay Organized