Holiday travel is in full effect for many people across America.

As Christmas winds down, many people are heading back to their homes and making plans for New Year’s Eve. Typically this period between the two holidays is a bit of a haze. Wrapping up one celebration while preparing for the next, all while trying to remember what year it actually is.

With 2018’s groundbreaking holiday travel influx, traffic is denser than usual this week. Whether you are coming or going during this holiday transition, keep an eye on the weather and traffic reports to ensure safe travels for all. Some parts of the United States expect unfortunate weather conditions during New Year’s weekend, so plan accordingly. The state of Montana anticipates the worst of it over the next few days.

Montana Travel

If you are in the Montana area, keep these tips in mind when you travel this week.

Packing an extra coat or two this weekend is a good idea as snow is in the forecast. Over the next several days of this week, Montana is expecting a massive winter storm. This blizzard is bringing with it at least a foot of snow across the state. Wind chill factors can drop as low as -30 degrees.

The heaviest snowfall is predicted to occur Friday evening through Saturday morning. Keep this in mind as you prepare your post-Christmas and New Year’s Eve plans. The snow may pile as high as 12 to 18 inches from the Rocky Mountain area onward. Heavy snow will certainly impact driving conditions throughout Montana.

Stay safe this weekend as people across the country celebrate the welcoming of a brand new year. Whether you are in the greater Montana area or elsewhere, being careful is always the best approach.

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