Are you sick and tired of excessive plane noise when you travel?

Imagine you are on a trip which requires you to fly. You navigate the stressful airport scene, breeze through the long TSA line, grab a snack, and board your flight. Once you locate your seat, you probably look forward to plugging in those earphones and snagging a couple winks. However, just as you are dozing off into dreamland, the obnoxious noise of the plane shakes you back to reality. This scene may be all too familiar for frequent flyers. Unfortunately, excessive plane noise is one of the downsides of flying. JetBlue Airlines understands this and is on a mission to improve their flight quality.

Save your eardrums thanks to JetBlue's newest air travel comfort plan.

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It is no secret that extensive exposure to loud aircraft noise is damaging to your hearing. If left unchecked, extreme sound levels inside a plane cabin can potentially cause permanent hearing loss. Of course, this is not a favorable travel condition, and JetBlue Airlines intends to address the issue. Their latest plan is purposed with the traveler's needs in mind.

In an article by Travel Weekly, JetBlue aims to add vortex generators to 138 of their Airbus A320 aircrafts. This new aircraft technology is designed to substantially diminish the amount of noise passengers are subjected to. The generators help alleviate the intense landing sounds as well. JetBlue's plan is to implement these new sound precautions to their 138 aircrafts by 2021. This noise reduction endeavor also benefits individuals who live near airports or who work in them. The quieter planes will help keep any hearing damage from this at a minimum.

If you have been hoping for a solution to this issue, rest assured that change is coming within the next few years.

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