Visiting this Italian town has many perks.

Italy is a romantic land with rich history dating back many centuries. It’s authentic cuisine, and the array of vineyards carry a sophisticated feel. The winding canals of Venice and spectacular architecture of Rome, of course, are a few trademarks of this nation. Though the popular tourist spots are always worth visiting, often the best places are found off the grid. One such place is the town of Candela.

Candela is a quaint village situated in central Italy. Since the 1960s it has practically become a ghost town. Over just 20 years, on the whole its population has gone from roughly 8,000 to 2,700. In an attempt to rejuvenate the life of this town, correspondingly Candela’s mayor has devised an ingenious plan.

Get paid to live in Italy.

Nicola Gatta has a plan to boost Candela’s population. He is offering an incentive for individuals who relocate. Italian residents and foreigners alike now have a good reason to move to Candela. It’s not every day you can earn money by residing in one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

This deal is offering singles 800 euros; couples 1,200 euros, and 1,500 to 2,000 euros for families, correspondingly depending on size. This agreement may also include additional utilities. So far, nearly six families have taken the chance and relocated to Candela.

Be sure to read the fine print of this deal, of course it’s not all play and no work. Residents must establish their Candela residence, procure accommodation, and obtain a job upon arrival. The minimum annual salary is 7,500 euros.

Candela is about a three-hour drive from Rome, and an hour trek from numerous beaches. This town has everything, from authentic pizzerias to exciting festivals and fairs. You will love the slower pace that comes with Candela.

Sound enticing? Will you take the chance and relocate to this beautiful Italian town?

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