The best places to travel are those where you can get the most bang for your buck.

The travel site Lonely Planet ranked Morocco’s city of Essaouira among the top 10 best value places to visit in 2018. This portside town is a rising destination in North Africa. With the rich Morrocan cultural influence, complemented by its maritime surroundings, of course, Essaouira is an affordable destination that you won’t want to miss in 2018.

Essaouira is a hidden gem within Morocco.

A quick day trip from the popular city of Marrakesh, Essaouira is another favorable option for travelers. Its pristine beaches are ideal for a relaxing vacation, while the coast also offers numerous aquatic activities. As highlighted by Lonely Planet, Essaouira’s kite and windsurfing are common local activities. The common high winds allow sports enthusiasts prime opportunity to practice their skills. Give either of these recreational sports a try during your stay here.

As one might imagine with a coastal city, Essaouira’s gastronomy offerings are superb. With fresh seafood abounding at nearly every restaurant in town, you’ll truly get a taste for Moroccan cuisine. An impressive array of five-star eateries will surely appeal to your palette.

A unique activity for travelers to Essaouira is ecotourism. These various outings allow visitors to experience an in-depth perspective of the city, of course from the view of a local guide. Selecting from half-day to full-day hikes, participants may experience Essaouria’s outdoor offerings, or dive into the eclectic urban culture.

Essaouira travel

Essaouira hosts many historic artifacts within its parameters. Visit Bab Marrakech or the Dar Souiri, just a few of the endless pieces of the past. The Institut Français d'Essaouira is a cultural center hosting regular artistic activities such as the cinema and interactive exhibits. You can even take crash courses in French during your stay if you'd like to add the language to your repertoire!

Liven up your 2018 travel with a visit to Morocco’s up and coming city. Essaouira is sure to wow just about every visitor who ventures here.

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