When it comes to travel advisories, this summer the United States is the one in the hot seat.

As an American traveling internationally, it is common to check the travel advisories out there. This helps monitor any unsuspected or unsavory conditions with various countries. Political turmoil and crime outbreaks are reasons to alter your travel plans. But did you ever think to check the travel advisories for your own country?

Just this past week, the Washington Chinese Embassy released a travel alert for Chinese citizens looking to travel to the United States. This advisory notice highlighted a number of daunting risks surrounding visiting the country. Such risks included high medical costs, “frequent “shootings, customs agents’ uninformed practices, telecommunications fraud, robberies, and thefts, and natural disasters.

These precautions are enough to make anyone think twice about traveling to the said location. The alert especially notes the alleged risk of public security in the United States. Chinese travelers were warned about frequent shootings, robberies, and theft throughout the nation.

Why the extreme travel alert?

Travel United States

Recent tensions have arisen between China and the United States due to trade complications. Various news reports suggest that this alert was “politically motivated.”

On the subject, Lu Kang, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, notes that the Chinese press is simply doing their job. Summertime is an especially popular time for the Chinese to travel internationally. July marks a two month period in which Chinese students can enjoy a summer break. Many students choose to visit the United States during this time. The Chinese embassy released the warning as a precaution for travelers considering visiting the United States.

Whether you are an American traveling to China, or a Chinese citizen looking to visit the United States this summer, there is no need to let political tensions affect your travels. With a little extra awareness, you can still have an incredible trip while staying safe.

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