India joins the list of candidates for this newest method of travel.

Faster travel is always a goal for transportation innovation. The high speed and bullet trains throughout Asian nations are evidence of the effectiveness of such transportation methods. Another recent advance in speedy transport is the Virgin Hyperloop One technology.

Hyperloop technology has been on the travel radar for the past several months. This“faster than high-speed train” is truly the transportation of the future. This vehicle utilizes electromagnetic propulsion to move passenger pods through specialized tubes on a track. With this technology, what would normally be hours of travel condenses to a few mere minutes. During this time, various cities and countries volunteered time and space for the initial testing of the Hyperloop One.

Out of 2,600 submissions, Virgin Hyperloop One selected ten teams to participate. These teams are throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, India, and Canada.

Hyperloop One travel

India is the newest nation that has expressed in this hypersonic travel.

Prospective major cities for initial routes include Mumbai, Bangalore, Nagpur, and Pune. This past Thursday the Maharashtra government signed a MoU in anticipation of a Hyperloop One route from Mumbai and Pune. This particular route travels nearly 150 miles in 15 minutes. Hyperloop One tops train travel at two to three times faster than a traditional train speed. This advance will revolutionize India’s commute time for frequent cross-country travelers throughout the country.

Besides India, other nations that are considering testing Hyperloop travel are Finland and Dubai. It is likely that even more teams will volunteer to participate in Hyperloop One technology.

Keep an eye on the progression of this fascinating transport method. With the advances it is gaining, Hyperloop One transportation may soon be a reality near you.

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