Celebrate the season at the beautiful Lake Balaton.

It is always a thrill to discover new travel spots. We believe that the greatest adventure usually starts in a unique place that you have never been to before. Lake Balaton is indeed one of these locations. A beautiful lake located in Western Hungary, Balaton is a popular holiday destination for many. Here you can find a little bit of everything. From beaches, resorts, volcanic hills, to historic architecture, the area surrounding Lake Balaton is every bit as magical as the lake itself.

For the wine connoisseurs, Balaton is situated right in the heart of wine country.

This region has a rich history of winemaking, so there are numerous Harvest Parades throughout the season. Here you can tour local cellars and sip some delicious new wine. If you enjoy fresh homemade goods, be sure to visit any of the markets while you are here.

Tihanny Abbey is an ancient monastery built in 1055. Known as the “crown of Lake Balaton,” this piece of history is a fascinating place to discover. Take a tour through the winding halls of this 1,000-year-old building and enjoy the timeless Baroque architecture. Tihanny Abbey has truly stood the test of time and has many stories to tell.

If you are yearning to experience even more Hungarian history, visit the Szigligeti Castle. Built on top of rolling hills and surrounded by towering pines, this 750-year-old building is one of Hungary’s most popular castles. Many events are held here year-round, including concerts and artistic performances.

As the day is ending, head over to Pannon Observatory for a spectacular extraterrestrial experience. If you love outer space, this is the place for you. Pannon Observatory is the first and only digital planetarium in Central Europe. Enjoy screenings every hour about stars and black holes, and leave a little more educated about our universe.

So, make sure to keep Lake Balaton on your radar this fall as a must-see destination, and get ready for a taste of Hungary’s history.

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