Explore for yourself why this Scandinavian nation is so content.

The Sustainable Development Solution Network for the United Nations recently named Norway as the 2018 World’s Happiest Country. Such an incredible accomplishment had us wondering just what makes this nation so happy. We found that the locals’ joyful dispositions, their warm community, and the extraordinary scenery make Norway a nation you won’t soon forget. Travel here and experience for yourself what makes the Norwegians so happy.

Here are some of the most beautiful places to visit in Norway.

Prekestolen is a sheer cliff located in Rogaland County, Norway. Rising 1,982 feet in elevation, this precipice offers an incredible view of Lysefjord. This steep ridge is popular among hikers and tourists. If you are looking for the ultimate adrenaline rush, then try base jumping off of the Prekestolen.

Lofoten, Norway’s beautiful archepeligo, is a true wonder to behold. Go boating along the Trollfjord fjord as you enjoy the lush green scenery along the waterline. Here you can marvel at vast mountains like the Svolværgeita pinnacle and the Himmeltindan Mountain.

Bryggen is a coastal city found in eastern Norway. Its colorful row houses, in essence, make this town is quite appealing to the eye. This historic wharf dates back to the medieval times and qualifies as one of the World’s Heritage Sites. Boat along the Vågen harbor to see the architectural skyline from the water, as the mountains tower in the background.

Take advantage of all this country has to offer, overall from the vast mountain peaks to the charming coastal fjords. You will be immersed in the warm local community anywhere you travel in this country. The natives truly find their contentment in the simple things of life. Visit Norway and leave with a smile on your face.

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