Solo Female Travel Is In Right Now.

Solo female travel is a rising travel trend across the globe. A report by the George Washington University School of Business notes that nearly two-thirds of travelers today are women. Millions of these women travel alone every year and find the utmost joy in doing so. These numbers have increased significantly between 2017 and 2018. Solo travel is extremely fulfilling and allows you to learn so much about yourself.

Is It Safe To Travel Alone?

Solo Female Travel - beach life

Many women choose not to travel solo because of very legitimate fears. Unknown cultures and unsafe cities are all issues to be aware of. Of course, these risks go up if you travel internationally by yourself. But if you are careful and prepared, this improves your chances of a stress-free travel experience. Keep in touch with friends and family as you travel, and check in periodically. Give someone your tentative itinerary and the locations where you stay so somebody always knows where you are.

If you are backpacking and staying in hostels, there are often good people there to connect with. The backpacking and travel community is very friendly and open, which helps when making friends.

Do I Really Need A Partner Who Travels With Me?

I’m sure you have seen it. That cliché Instagram couple who travel the world side by side. The always attendant Instagram boyfriend procuring simply the best shots; not to mention the classic handholding photo in front of incredible scenery. While this is all good and Pinterest worthy, it is not everyone’s experience. Don’t let yourself get so caught up in yearning for a partner that you miss your own opportunities.

I cannot express enough how much richness there is found in exploring a place on your own. Solo travel literally forces you beyond your comfort zone and opens up numerous doors for new friendships and unique encounters. Additionally, wanting that Instagrammable travel relationship might also hinder potential suitors. Keep an open mind when traveling and while exploring possible relationship opportunities.

If you are a female considering exploring the globe on your own, I absolutely encourage you to do so. You might be surprised by just how enriching of an experience it is.

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